Struck-by Vehicle Hazards
Picture this scenario: A contractor is operating a backhoe when an employee attempts to walk between the swinging superstructure of the backhoe and a concrete wall. As the employee approaches from the operator’s blindside, the superstructure hits the employee and crushes him against the wall.
You Are at Risk
The above situation can occur if you are not constantly alert on the job site. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) offers some ways in which you can reduce your risk of being struck while on the job:
Always wear a safety belt when operating equipment, except when the vehicle does not have a rollover protection structure (ROPS) or when it is designed for standup operation only.
Check vehicles before each shift to ensure that all parts and accessories are in safe working condition.
Do not drive vehicles in reverse when you have an obstructed view unless a co-worker signals that the path is clear.
Make sure that you and all other personnel are out of the way before using dumping or lifting devices.
Lower or block bulldozer and scraper blades, end-loader buckets and dump bodies when they are not in use, and leave all controls in the neutral position.
Set the parking brake when vehicles are parked and chock the wheels if they are on an incline.
Never exceed a vehicle’s rated load or lift capacity.
Wear reflective clothing to get motorists’ attention on construction sites.
To avoid getting struck by inattentive motorists, use traffic signs, barricades or flaggers to divert traffic.
Never transport your co-workers unless there is a safe place to ride.
Cranes, power shovels, loaders and other equipment that loads haulage vehicles must be equipped with a cap shield or canopy to protect the driver from falling materials.
Provided by: Hausmann-Johnson Insurance